Probably saved my life!!
I had my mind made up on a fanny pack hydration bag and a friend at Bear Mountain in Waco Texas talked me into
MOUNTAIN BIKE BACKPACK - 10003402 DRAFTER 14L BIKE HYDRATION BACKPACK. I will not go into details, but I flew off my mountain bike over a cliff about 25 feet to the rock bottom directly flat on my back. BTW, I am 62 and in as good a shape as anyone I know. I was amazed after getting out of the emergency room that I only had broke ribs in my upper back and a separated clavicle. After further thought, I could only conclude that I must be super human to have such few injuries. 6 days later, I opened the back door of my truck and saw my dirty, torn and scratched DRAFTER that I had forgotten that I was wearing. I almost fell to my knees, realizing what saved me. Not sure, but I honestly believe that I would be dead or paralyzed without it. I experimented with my 16 year old daughter, that same day, and had her put it on and started hitting with my fist very soft and getting harder and harder without hurting her.